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we are running out of time

Our earth is dying. Every week we see undeniable climate events. Entire ecosystems are collapsing from a range of human caused activities. The UN’s recent climate report clearly states we are running out of time. Here is the thing - 40-70% of carbon emissions are linked to decisions we make about how we live, eat and move. There is no time to wait on corporations and governments - collectively we can spark the change.


YOU aren’t to blame, but YOU can make a difference

At Ripplfect we make sustainable living and climate action easy and rewarding. Carbon footprint was created by big oil and carbon offsets are a bandaid to the bigger problem. You aren't responsible for the climate crisis, but YOU can help make a difference.


At Ripplfect, we believe in holding ourselves and governments, corporations and institutions accountable. We need sweeping legislation. We need bold corporate commitments. We also need people like us to shift demand away from corruption and fossil fuels while amplifying climate solutions.

getting started

We get it - sustainability and climate action can be overwhelming. Figuring out what claims to trust and what actions are the most impactful when info is spread across so many sources is no easy feat. 


We are here to help you get started -  Ripplfect was designed to break down the enormity of the climate crisis into simple actions that you, as individuals, can take. Whether it’s signing up for composting, switching to a more sustainable product, leading a local beach clean-up, or advocating for climate policies, Ripplfect makes it easy for you to understand what you should be doing and/or buying to make a difference. 


Find an action based on your preferences, share it with the Ripplfect community and inspire others to get involved. 

rewards from top sustainable brands

the ripplfect

Ripplfect is based on “the ripple effect”a metaphor to describe how our actions (or non-actions) reverberate throughout the physical and social world. It is the aggregate effect of individual actions. Therefore, global problems such as pollution, which are caused by no primary actor, can be explained by the ripple effect, as based on the aggregate empowerment of individuals. 


One small action you take may seem insignificant, but the impact is substantial if done daily. When done together, the effect is astronomical.


Join the movement. Be the ripple and collectively, we can make a wave.


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